Introducing an AI breakthrough for ethics and compliance

AI Conversations for compliance puts employees into AI-led training scenarios that feel like real life, and truly measure their ability to navigate risks in practice. 

Interactive Learning Experience

Trusted by 1500 of the world's top brands

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More “Learn By Doing” than compliance training has ever been

AI Conversations for Compliance lets employees demonstrate how they navigate real-world ethics and compliance risks, and coaches them to mastery.

How AI Conversations for Compliance works

  • Choose the topics you want to reinforce 
  • Select your training audience
  • Select the AI avatar and its characteristics & positions
  • Employee role-plays compliance scenario with AI avatar
  • AI reacts to employee decisions and responds in real time
  • Employee receives feedback on how well their decisions match company policy, and how to ‘do the right thing’ in practice

quote-Senior Director of Learning & Development, Koch Industries

"This use of AI for Ethics and Compliance allows us to do what traditionally were ‘tabletop exercises’, but now at scale, in a short, personalized format with individualized feedback"

Senior Director of Learning & Development, Koch Industries

Now available: the From Policy to Practice collection

Help employees practice navigating gray-area ethics and compliance situations in a realistic way. 

Our ready-made solution offers a practical, hands-on approach, fostering an environment where employees can safely explore and resolve these ambiguous challenges.

  • Using company resources appropriately
  • Promoting ethical conduct
  • Navigating conflicts of interest
  • Bystander intervention: Preventing harassment and bullying
  • Promoting information security
  • Appropriately handling business gifts and entertainment

Create custom training scenarios

Learning Pool’s instructional design team can craft custom scenarios that align with your overall compliance program.

In addition to risk topics, the following can be customized:

  • Context: Industry, Learner role, Terminology, Background
  • Characters: Role, Traits, Backstory
  • Assessment framework: Goals, Scoring aid

Why AI Conversations for compliance?

  • Help employees do the right thing, even when uncomfortable conversations stand in the way
  • Offer a true one-size-fits-one learning experience 
  • Deploy AI Conversations easily, and upload scenarios to any learning platform
  • Keep data safe and secure with the tool being built to the highest standards of data privacy
  • Provide real-time feedback and coaching so employees know exactly how to act in alignment with company values and policy

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about AI Conversations for compliance? 

Talk to a member of our team.